Lost civilization mohen jo daro

Mohenjo Daro is an anicent Civilization. These long-buried cities were first discovered by modern archaeologists. 

one of these rediscovered sites was Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-Daro, means, “Mound of the Dead Men."

Mohenjo-daro is an ancient city in Pakistan, the area of 750 acres with population of about 40,000, Mohenjo-Daro was one of the largest and advanced cities in the world. 
the city had complex water management system, drainage sewer system and civil engineering and urban planning evident in the city’s development. City’s largest structures are things like public assembly halls, a marketplace, ancient apartment buildings. All things that emphasis on an orderly and modest civil society. The walls were plastered with mud. Mohenjo-daro suffered more than once from devastating floods.

The city had a population of 35,000 to 50,000 at its peak. It was one of the earliest cities in the world. Mohenjo Daro was built around the same time as the Great Pyramids of Egypt. It’s the best-preserved city of the Indus civilization. The people of Mohenjo-Daro knew how to work metal, and both copper and bronze artifacts have been found. The people of this civilization did not build massive monuments like their contemporaries, nor did they bury riches among their dead in golden tombs. There were no mummies, no emperors, and no violent wars or bloody battles in their territory.
Mohenjo-daro was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1980. The city of Mohenjo-daro, now 2 miles (3 km) from the Indus. Scholars have put forth differing theories to explain the disappearance of the city, including an Aryan Invasion and climate change marked by overwhelming monsoons.


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